Budget billing is a free service we offer to help members manage their budgets by making electric service bills predictable. This plan doesn’t reduce energy costs; instead, it divides them evenly over each month of the year, so your bill remains consistent.
We determine a monthly payment based on the average of your last 12 months of electricity use so you will know the amount of your monthly payments in advance. We will review your account every six months to ensure that your payment continues to be in line with your energy use. If your energy usage shifts, we will adjust your budget billing amount to help you stay on track.
Program requirements:
- You must remain current on your electric bill. If you are late on two consecutive payments, you will be removed from the program.
- Because the budget billing is calculated based on your homes previous 12-month usage, we recommend enrolling in the program after living in the home for at least one year.
- Members with rooftop solar net metering are not eligible for this program.
You can complete the budget billing request form here.
Article 141